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"This is why I call myself a "possibilian". Possibilianism emphasises the active exploration of new, unconsidered notions. A possibilian is comfortable holding multiple ideas in mind and is not driven by the idea of fighting for a single, particular story. The key emphasis of possibilianism is to shine a flashlight around the possibility space. It is a plea not simply for open-mindedness, but for an active exploration of new ideas.

Is possibilianism compatible with a scientific career? Indeed, it represents the heart of science. Real science operates by holding limitless possibilities in mind and working to see which one is most supported by the data. Sometimes it is difficult or impossible to gather data that weighs in – and in those cases we simply retain the possibilities. We don’t commit to a particular version of the story when there is no reason to.


In every generation, people are seduced by the idea that they possess all the tools they need to explain the universe. They have always been wrong. From consciousness to dark energy, we know that we are missing an unknowable number of pieces of the puzzle. This is why in the debates between the strict atheists and the fundamentally religious, I choose a third side. A little less pretence of certainty and a little more exploration of the possibility space."

Šitaip rašo David’as Eagleman’as, neuromokslininkas iš Beiloro (Baylor) medicinos koledžo Hiustone. Visas straipsnis yra čia, tačiau nesu tikras, ar prieinamas neužsiprenumeravusiems New Scientist’o.

Citata smarkiai siejasi su Jono Kubiliaus pamąstymu, kuriam taip pat visiškai pritariu.


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